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How did you react to Cyber Law?
Answer 1: Ignore it.
Answer 2: Only concern when serious criminal activities involved.
Answer 3: Always follow every single Cyber Law rules & regulation.
Answer 4: I don't know
answer 5: None of these
From the weekly poll survey, there are 10 respondents participated in answering the quick poll section from 26 Jan 2010, Tuesday to 31 Jan 2010, Sunday.

When the respondents are being questioned how they would react to Cyber Law, 20% or 2 out of the 10 people actually answered “I don’t know”. This shows that some of the internet user doesn’t concern about the law or they didn’t know that the laws exist. This is a very important issue because they might do some activities without knowing that it is actually illegal. We should increase the awareness towards these people because not only they will break the law; they might be the victim of internet crimes too. They should know the rights and wrongs in the cyberspace.
The majority answers of the respondents which is 60% or 6 out of 10 respondents answered is “only concern when serious criminal activities involved”. In our country, everybody doesn’t seem to care about an issue unless something had happened. This is actually very negative because people are not taking safety precautions. They should be advised to follow every rules and regulation whenever they are using the internet because this is for the user’s good. Everything will be too late when something had happened.
In the third answer, amazingly there are nobody who answered “follow every single cyber law rules and regulation”. This actually shows that none of the people actually follows the rules and regulation of cyber law in Malaysia. There must be certain reasons why the people don’t seem to care about these laws. Subjects regarding Cyber Law should be created to teach high school students and college students so that people will abide the law. This is the reason why in our cyberspace is so vulnerable to criminal activities and many people has became victim of frauds. Everybody who uses the internet have the responsibility to know about the rules and regulation.
In the fourth answer, there are 20% or 2 out of 10 people who answered “I don’t know”. They might be confused with the internet cultural that we have or maybe they wanted to react towards cyber law but there is not much information about it in Malaysia. There are nobody choose the last answer which is “none of the above”.
In conclusion, people don’t react well to Cyber Law. Cyber crimes is increasing and definitely we need more ways to increase the awareness about how important is cyber law. Ignoring the law may create more havoc and heavy punishment shall be given to the criminals who broke the law. If we can create a peaceful cyberspace it would improve the quality of the internet usage and people will have confidence and trust in internet commerce. We all know that internet is a very useful and powerful tool that human ever created. It is our responsibility to protect and preserve this tool but not abusing it.
When the respondents are being questioned how they would react to Cyber Law, 20% or 2 out of the 10 people actually answered “I don’t know”. This shows that some of the internet user doesn’t concern about the law or they didn’t know that the laws exist. This is a very important issue because they might do some activities without knowing that it is actually illegal. We should increase the awareness towards these people because not only they will break the law; they might be the victim of internet crimes too. They should know the rights and wrongs in the cyberspace.
The majority answers of the respondents which is 60% or 6 out of 10 respondents answered is “only concern when serious criminal activities involved”. In our country, everybody doesn’t seem to care about an issue unless something had happened. This is actually very negative because people are not taking safety precautions. They should be advised to follow every rules and regulation whenever they are using the internet because this is for the user’s good. Everything will be too late when something had happened.
In the third answer, amazingly there are nobody who answered “follow every single cyber law rules and regulation”. This actually shows that none of the people actually follows the rules and regulation of cyber law in Malaysia. There must be certain reasons why the people don’t seem to care about these laws. Subjects regarding Cyber Law should be created to teach high school students and college students so that people will abide the law. This is the reason why in our cyberspace is so vulnerable to criminal activities and many people has became victim of frauds. Everybody who uses the internet have the responsibility to know about the rules and regulation.
In the fourth answer, there are 20% or 2 out of 10 people who answered “I don’t know”. They might be confused with the internet cultural that we have or maybe they wanted to react towards cyber law but there is not much information about it in Malaysia. There are nobody choose the last answer which is “none of the above”.
In conclusion, people don’t react well to Cyber Law. Cyber crimes is increasing and definitely we need more ways to increase the awareness about how important is cyber law. Ignoring the law may create more havoc and heavy punishment shall be given to the criminals who broke the law. If we can create a peaceful cyberspace it would improve the quality of the internet usage and people will have confidence and trust in internet commerce. We all know that internet is a very useful and powerful tool that human ever created. It is our responsibility to protect and preserve this tool but not abusing it.